
The sole purpose of a roof is to keep your house or office safe from adverse weather conditions, and if it also adds a decorative flair to your property, that’s a plus. For hot climates, you should choose a material that can reflect heat. It will help in keeping the building cool by restricting sun rays from reaching the indoor space. You can acquire professional services from Spartanburg Roofing Company


Rainwater, snowfall, summer heat, or cold winds – you can keep commercial buildings safe with the right choice of materials. Many different types of roofing materials are available these days. You have to consider their durability, insulation, and various other factors to make an informed decision. Let’s have a look at materials you can choose for hot climates.



  • Terracota


Terracotta and clay have been in use for decades. They are suitable for hotter climates due to their cold nature. They are heat-resistant and keep your house or office safe from the scorching heat of the sun. They are extremely durable and can stay in optimal condition for a long time. However, despite their strength, they are quite attractive. They enhance the exterior of any building and keep the interior cool.


Another major factor that helps in resisting heat is the cutting style of tiles. They leave small air pockets between tiles which allow water and heat to circulate easily. Uniform and smooth circulation heat and air ensure that heat does not accumulate on the surface. This maintains the temperature of the roof and thus prevents it from making your house warm.



  • Slate Tiles


Slate tile is a natural material that is usually preferred by homeowners with an antique taste. It has efficient reflective properties that enable tiles to resist heat. However, since dark colors tend to absorb more heat, make sure that you install light-colored tiles to enhance heat resistance. They give a stylish and elegant look to factories and offices.



  • Green Roofs


Green roofs not only look extremely attractive but are also eco-friendly. Environmental pollution is the major reason why you feel that your house has become hotter. Heat gets absorbed in dark materials used in the exterior of houses. Installation of plants on the top of roofs is an effective solution to overcome this problem.


Professionals install a waterproof membrane over the roof surface so that water does not affect the structure of your house. Plants also improve air quality by releasing oxygen. However, installing a waterproof membrane over your roof on your own can be drastic. Your lack of experience and skill may not only damage your housetop but will also affect plant growth. 



  • Solar Cells


Solar or photovoltaic cells keep the interior of the commercial buildings cool. However, the major factor that makes them better than other roofing options is their capability to store heat. They store sunrays and later use it to provide energy for your daily needs. You can run electronic equipment without paying huge electricity bills.



  • EPDM


EPDM is a synthetic rubber that efficiently keeps heat away from your office building. The regular rubber material is not an effective insulator. Professionals prepare EPDM from a strong and heat-resistant membrane to enhance heat insulation. It is a durable and lightweight material that can continue to serve you for decades through regular maintenance. 



  • Metal Sheets


It is a prevalent misconception that a metal roof is not suitable for hot climates. However, it is a heat-resistant material that is extremely durable. It is recommended to choose light-colored metal for better performance. It resists heat in an efficient manner and does not allow sun rays to enter inside the building.


Apart from its heat resistance, it is also a cost-efficient method. This fact can be quite surprising for some people as metal sheets are costly. However, their long-term impacts return your investment within no time. It quickly cools down and does not retain heat. 



  • Concrete Tiles


Concrete tiles are an effective method of maintaining a moderate temperature at your home and office. It is a cost-effective solution for homeowners fed up with high electricity consumption. Colorful concrete tiles keep the interior of your house cool with minimum maintenance. The tiles are extremely durable and can last for decades or even centuries.


Concrete tiles are commonly used in areas with a hot climate. The material is relatively expensive than traditional methods but is suitable for long-term use. It efficiently prevents sun rays from heating up your house and maintains an optimum temperature.